
The History Of Built In Fridge Freezer

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작성자 Deena 작성일 23-06-08 01:09 조회 12 댓글 0


Indesit built in fridge freezer 60 40 In Fridge Freezer

The Indesit built in fridge freezer can be easily integrated into your kitchen, providing an efficient solution for space-saving to satisfy all of your freezing and refrigeration needs all in one place. Enjoy the cooling capacity of 154L spread over three glass shelves, making storing and organising a breeze and a separate Crisper drawer to store delicate salads and fruit.

Optimal Humidity

This Indesit built in fridge freezers-in fridge freezer built in freezer comes with 154L of refrigerator space and 110L freezer space, which means you can store all your food items and more. Salad Crisper is dedicated to delicate vegetables, and it has an ample storage space for your family's favourite frozen desserts. Hygiene Protection minimizes bacteria and odours to ensure that your food is fresher and tastes better for longer. Optimal Humidity constantly monitors and adjusts humidity to create the perfect environment to protect your food items.

Low Frost technology minimizes the accumulation of ice on the refrigerator and freezer walls to make defrosting simpler. This helps to keep energy efficiency at a high level and you will have to defrost your freezer and fridge less often.

This Indesit fridge freezer is simple to clean. It features an antibacterial lining to keep food clean and free of germs. The door seals, too, are antibacterial for an uncluttered, fresh appearance. White color adds a classic look to your kitchen. a convenient bottle balcony lets you store your drinks easily. This Indesit integrated refrigerator freezer can be used in a variety of ways because the door can be reversed to open either way. This Indesit fridge freezer comes with a 10- year guarantee on labour and parts which gives you confidence that this durable appliance will last for many years to be.

Absolutely No Frost

With an Indesit refrigerator that is integrated you'll have the latest technology that helps you keep your food fresher longer. One of the most important features is Total No Frost, which actively circulates cold air through the freezer compartment to stop the formation of ice so that you don't have to defrost as often.

This model is equipped with a Crisper Drawer for delicate salads, fruits and vegetables to ensure they are as fresh as possible. It also has a handy bottle balcony where you can store your favourite drinks. With 154L of storage space in the refrigerator and shownotes.wiki 110L in the freezer There's plenty of space to store your daily purchases.

This model is also fitted with Pure Wind technology. A fan continuously circulates cool air around the appliance to improve ventilation. This helps keep your food fresher for longer and also saves you money by decreasing food waste.

The sleek, stylish design is perfect for any kitchen. It also has an energy rating of A+, so you can rest assured that you are making a responsible investment for your family. You can also relax knowing that Indesit's built in fridge freezer 70/30-in refrigerator freezer is covered by one-year warranties. This is the perfect addition to any modern kitchen.


We know how busy life can be, which is why we offer appliances that are designed to reduce time and effort. The fridge freezers we offer are no exception, and they come with a handy Push&Go function that helps to cool your groceries more quickly. This feature allows extra cold to lower the appliance's cavity temperatures which can be restored up to 40 percent faster.

The INC18 T311 UK built-in fridge freezer has Total No Frost and Push&Go technology from the company to help you reduce the amount of your weekly shopping. This 70/30 split refrigerator-freezer comes with 250 litres of storage space and glass shelves. It is large enough to accommodate your entire weekly shop. With an impressive 154 litres of fridge space and an extra Crisper drawer for delicate salads and fresh fruit You'll be able to find the ideal spot for your grocery purchases.

Pure Wind and Low Frost technology are also employed to keep your food fresher longer. Pure Wind protects your food by lowering the humidity. Low Frost decreases the accumulation of ice which means you'll have to defrost it less frequently. Foods will be enjoyed more.

Reversible Door

Designed to make life easier for busy families, this Indesit fridge freezer provides an efficient space-saving solution to take care of all your frozen and fresh grocery requirements in one. Optimal Humidity technology continually monitors and adjusts humidity levels within the fridge, which helps protect your food from drying out. This model also has Push&Go and Total No Frost to reduce the process of defrosting.

This Indesit Fridge Freezer is available in a fashionable white color and features an elegant, tall style that is perfect for smaller kitchens. The total capacity is 154L, and there are plenty of storage options like three glass shelves for the fridge and an attractive full-width bottle shelf within the door. There's even a dedicated Crisper drawer to protect delicate salad leaves and fruit. The freezer cabinet is huge with the capacity of 110L thanks the generous arrangement of three deep and clear-fronted drawers.

This Indesit Integrated Fridge Freezer is easy to maintain, as all the drawers and shelves can be easily wiped clean. It is energy efficient with an A+ rating, and is also incredibly quiet at only 38dB. It is easily controlled with an adjustable thermostat and fitted with a door that is reversible to match your kitchen's layout, this is the perfect fridge freezer for smaller homes and flats.

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