
Student almost died after toxic shock syndrome misdiagnosed as cold

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작성자 Samual 작성일 23-07-18 09:53 조회 59 댓글 0


A teenager has revealed how she almost died after doctors sent her home from hospital with 'freshers flu' when she actually had toxic shock syndrome.  
Ellie Makin, 18,  Droylsden, Greater Manchester, had 'drunkenly' fallen asleep with a tampon in after a night out  and woke up with flu-like symptoms, nausea and dizziness the next day.  After fainting, vitamine pentru cresterea parului la copii she was rushed to The University Hospital of North Durham by her university welfare team.
But she was discharged after a just three hours and says that doctors 'dismissed' her concerns about toxic shock and put her symptoms down to a viral infection as a result of going out drinking in university fresher celebrations.  
But after travelling back to her family home she woke up the following day with worse symptoms and was taken to Tameside General Hospital where it was confirmed that she had toxic shock - a life-threatening condition often associated with tampon use.
After five days recovering in hospital, the climate science student is now urging other teens to 'trust their gut' and get a second opinion when they feel they've been dismissed as a 'drunk student'. 

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'It had been freshers and I'd been going out quite a bit and I started to feel really run down with flu-like symptoms,' Ellie explained. 
'My apple watch showed that my heart rate was 120 lying down when it's normally 55, so that was concerning and I felt dizzy and sick as well.
'I'd drunkenly fallen asleep with a tampon in and left it in for 12 hours so I googled my symptoms and knew it was toxic shock.
Ellie Makin, 18, Droylsden, Greater Manchester, had 'drunkenly' fallen asleep with a tampon in after a night out and woke up with flu-like symptoms, nausea and dizziness the next day.
After travelling back to her family home she woke up the following day with worse symptoms and was taken to Tameside General Hospital where it was confirmed that she had toxic shock - a life-threatening condition often associated with tampon use.
'I told my mum and she rang welfare and they came to my door.

When I answered the door I fainted so they took me to hospital.
'I had bloods done and they told me my white blood count was high but they couldn't pinpoint where the infection was from so they just put it down as being a viral infection and discharged me.
'I knew it wasn't a viral infection because I was dizzy and fainting - I said that I was worried it was toxic shock and told them about the tampon but they didn't do anything about it.
'I feel like I was dismissed - they should've run the tests and not just put it down to freshers flu.'
The rash on Elli's skin which is a symptom of toxic shock - doctors sent her home with Fresher's Flu
The teen now claims she's dealing with relatively unknown long-term effects of the condition, including rapid hair loss, which has left her with a thinned hairline, and peeling skin on her hands and feet.
The teen says that after just three hours at Durham Hospital and being discharged without treatment, her mum picked her up and took her home.

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