
What is English in Pool?

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작성자 Cherie 작성일 24-08-08 13:37 조회 4 댓글 0


In fact, I urge you to try some other pool games that you probably have never tried. Unless you only have a single car garage, there’s plenty of room for a table. In general, bright red, bright yellow, and solid black are considered the worst colors for pool table felt. These are governed by Croquet New Zealand. The current Women's Association Croquet World Champion (2023) is Debbie Lines of England. The world's top 10 association croquet players as of October 2023 were Robert Fletcher (Australia), Robert Fulford (England), Paddy Chapman (New Zealand), Jamie Burch (England), Reg Bamford (South Africa), Matthew Essick (USA), Mark Avery (England), Simon Hockey (Australia), Harry Fisher (England), and Jose Riva (Spain). Edward Gorey's The Epiplectic Bicycle features illustrations of the main characters playing with croquet mallets. Croquet mallets also feature in the publicity posters for Heathers: The Musical. Regardless of when and by what route it reached the British Isles and the British colonies in its recognizable form, croquet is, like pall-mall and trucco, among the later forms of ground billiards, which as a class have been popular in Western Europe back to at least the Late Middle Ages, with roots in classical antiquity, including sometimes the use of arches and pegs along with balls and mallets or other striking sticks (some more akin to modern field hockey sticks).

It quickly spread to other Anglophone countries, including Australia, Canada, New Zealand, South Africa, and the United States. The sport has particularly strong followings in the UK, US, New Zealand, Australia, and Egypt; many other countries also play. Every four years, the top countries play in the World Team Championships in AC (the MacRobertson Shield) and GC (the Openshaw Shield). Each shot has its point value ranging from four for the ‘simplest’ shot and twelve for the ‘most challenging’ shot. Each color ball has a different point value assigned to it. The 13th Earl developed a variation on croquet named Captain Moreton's Eglinton Castle croquet, which had small bells on the eight hoops "to ring the changes", two pegs, a double hoop with a bell, and two tunnels for the ball to pass through. Records show a game called "crookey", similar to croquet, being played at Castlebellingham in County Louth, Ireland, in 1834, which was introduced to Galway in 1835 and played on the bishop's palace garden, and in the same year to the genteel Dublin suburb of Kingstown (today Dún Laoghaire) where it was first spelled as "croquet".

Some other early modern sources refer to pall-mall being played over a large distance (as in golf); however, an image in Strutt's 1801 book shows a croquet-like ground billiards game (balls on the ground, hoop, bats, and peg) being played over a short, garden-sized distance. This may derive from the fact that (unlike in golf) players will often attempt to move their opponents' balls to unfavourable positions. An alternative endgame is "poison": in this variant, a player who has scored the last wicket but not hit the starting stake becomes a "poison ball", which may eliminate other balls from the game by roqueting them. And you're a lord of the creation, Mr. Caudle; and you can stay away from the comforts of your blessed fireside, and the society of your own wife and children-though, to be sure, you never thought anything of them-to push ivory balls about with a long stick upon a green table-cloth. The lieutenant thought that he should add other coloured balls. British Pool balls are also usually smaller than the balls used in American Pool as well. Players are allowed three attempts at each shot.

Straight pool, also known as 14.1 continuous, is a game where players must pocket a set number of balls to reach a predetermined score. In partnership play, all members of a team must stake out, and a player might choose to avoid staking out (becoming a Rover) in order to help a lagging teammate. So, if the player strikes the cue ball, which strikes an object ball, what is billiards the object ball must either travel to a cushion or a pocket in order to be a legal shot. This is meant to deter players from scratching intentionally in order to hinder their opponent’s performance. Few players attain the attitude and mindset that is detailed here. Artistic or fantasy billiards is a cue sport in which players compete by hitting the ball for 76 shots of differing difficulty. The process of hitting the target balls with the cue balls as you make three rails in tandem is called ‘carom’. In this version of croquet, there are nine wickets, two stakes, and up to six balls. If a player scratches on a break there is only one common result of the foul. They can also be more prone to scratches and dings, which might require more frequent refinishing or replacement of the playing surface.


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