
During one of his Court Appearances

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작성자 Tracey 작성일 24-08-29 18:28 조회 2 댓글 0



The bulb positioning mechanism is no longer in place and the switch has been simplified (see below). The cleverest part of this printer is the simple switch that took the place of the Kodak switch. In most of the Kodak Amateur Printers now available the cloth is severly damaged or missing. Very little information is available concerning the Kodak Amateur Printers, but I believe the one below is an early model because it is more complex (more expensive to build) and the switching mechanism seems to be more finicky as to adjustment than other models. This is one of the differences you will find if you look in other countries: because of exact details of the electrical design of the exchange and the phones, and where different components are placed, some countries such as the UK require slightly more complex household wiring than just putting all jacks in parallel. When you feel that you thoroughly understand the operation of the lighting system let us know and we will send you a 100 question test. When the shaft is up the current passes through the low wattage yellow bulb first lighting it up brightly and the high wattage bulb not at all.

The current comes through the wire on the right and passes through the upper metal strip when the peg is up thereby lighting the yellow bulb. This causes almost all of the current to go through the white bulb with virtually no current going through the yellow bulb, thus the white bulb lights brightly and the yellow bulb not at all. The orange window on the side is removable and originally had a yellow cloth as a safelight media. I replaced the cloth in this printer with a piece of laminated orange paper. When the shaft is depressed a metal piece attached to the center of the shaft (but insulated from the shaft) slides downward and electrically connects the upper post to the lower post. When the peg is depressed the current goes through the lower strip and lights the white bulb. When the shaft on the switch is depressed the safeligjht goes off and the white light comes on.

When the contact printer is plugged into an outlet the safelight comes on. The above photo shows what I believe is a later model of the Kodak Amateur Printer. The photo on the above left shows the platen folded back exposing the glass and the adjustable metal sheets used for various sizes of print. When the switch shaft is in the up position there is a slight space under the metal strip going between the two posts so that current cannot pass. As you can see, it was made of a spring, a washer and two metal strips. Lastly, what is electric cable electric cord reels can save you money in the long run by protecting your cords from the hazards of tangles and wear and tear. Some free-roaming tortoises have decided to chew on live electric cables - with devastating consequences. Every one of those cables can be incorporated within a cord planner and also you just have one cord to manage. The shaft can also be moved in and out moving the bulbs toward or away from the switching mechanism on the left (left and right in the photo).

KODAK FILM TANK - 1918. The film tank is actually the round tank on the right. The sawteeth on the underside of the roll permitted the developing fluids to reach the film once the reel was put into the developing tank. The box was used for winding film from the original roll onto a reel for developing as shown on the far right. A shaft protrudes through the right and is turned to move the lights left and right (up and down in the photo). The shaft and contacts on this switch have to be precisely adjusted in order for the mechanism to operate as designed. The Order "unbundled," or segregated, electrical energy generation from the transmission systems the generators had built. This method would have had the advantage of affording a direct pull, but the cost of construction would be substantially higher than with the other systems. Those who collect old Brownies will recognize that the above sampe is in rather excellent condition as the latches do not have even a trace of corrosion. The above photo shows the switching mechanism for turning the safelight off and the white light on. The personal photographer of President Truman, Marion Carpenter (the first female White House photographer) used a Seneca Competitor for her official White House Photographs.

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