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작성자 Alba 작성일 24-10-06 17:15 조회 3 댓글 0



Take a deep breath and extend arms out to either side. Take at least 5 breaths. Exhale, roll your shoulders down and back, and take a few breaths. Exhale and roll shoulders back. Chair Extended Side Angle strengthens your chest, lungs, and shoulders while stimulating your abs. Try chair yoga for yourself with the following moves. Modification: If you’re pretty flexible, try releasing your grip from your shoulders and wrapping your forearms around one another in front of you, keeping your elbows at chest height. Clasp hands together and gently pull to add some resistance - but don’t release your grip. It’s a great choice if you’re looking for more support during your yoga practice, and it can help add some flow to your work-from-home routine. Some yoga studios and retreat centers encourage silence at the start and end of each class, but it’s always a good idea to keep your voice down. Forget being a pigeon - now it’s time to be an eagle. Time to get bendy.

Note on modifications: Keep your shoulders relaxed and away from the ears during this practice and don’t get caught up if your breath doesn’t flow naturally, it will come with time. Take another deep breath, exhale, and roll shoulders down and back. Roll both shoulders forward as you exhale. First, Cow: Inhale, arch your spine, and roll your shoulder blades down and back. To intensify the stretch, let arms hang loosely down toward the floor. With your spine extended, raise your arms straight up and out from your sides, fingers pointed. Chair Forward Bend will lengthen your spine and stretch your back muscles. Chair yoga is a great way to get moving without getting up - neon sweat bands are optional. The Japanese character 道 means the way or the path and indicates that disciplined practice in the art is a path to samādhi. Savasana might look like a nap at the end of your yoga practice. For many people, the stillness of a seated meditation practice can actually trigger anxiety at first, which is why combining it with a physical practice like yoga can be so beneficial.

With the support of a chair, the benefits of yoga become accessible to even more people, regardless of age, flexibility level, injuries, or mobility issues. Safety tip: Many of these exercises can be performed safely if you use a wheelchair or have other mobility restrictions, but it may be a good idea to chat with your doctor or physical therapist before trying a new activity. Use a block or another sturdy object instead. Place left fingertips on the floor or a yoga block on the outside of left foot. Your right hand’s fingers should rest in your left palm. Lightly rest right arm on the back of the chair. Fold into a Chair Forward Bend (Uttanasana) position. Return to the starting position and repeat on the left side. Swing right arm under left arm. The Reverse Arm Hold stretches your shoulders, opens up your chest, and helps you relax. Extend right arm toward the ceiling and look up at your arm. Exhale and gently twist to the right.

This move’s like Chair Forward Bend, but with a twist. Chair yoga involves modifying yoga poses so they can be done while seated. This form of devotion, while potentially reducing the emphasis on ritual practices, still involves the worship of Krishna's image. Your legs should form a 90-degree angle. Grab your shoulders with opposite hands. If your feet don’t touch the floor, grab a yoga block, a folded yoga mat, or another sturdy material to place under your feet so you have a solid foundation. Modification: If you can’t easily touch the floor, don’t sweat it. Don’t just twist your back - move your whole torso as you lower your arms. But before you start Googling "yoga chairs," know that you don’t need anything fancy - just something sturdy. Start with a long, straight spine and your knees above your ankles. Keeping spine straight, exhale as you bend forward as far as you find comfortable.

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